4-Advanced Sports Med-Fall 2023 Assignments

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Patient Care Pathway completion in Google Classroom

Patient Care Pathway completion

To receive the certificate, students must:
Complete the patient care pathway curriculum (2 levels SportsMed/Adv Sports Med) with a D or better.
Intern and receive 30 clinical experience hours, 15 hours due at the end of the Fall semester.
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, October 24 8:39 AM


Medical Folder: Injury Examination Process in Google Classroom

Medical Folder: Injury Examination Process

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Wednesday, December 13 12:41 PM


Semester Reflection in Google Classroom

Semester Reflection

Submit a short VIDEO of yourself answering these questions pertaining to the Fall Semester.

Units: 1- Taping & Wrapping, 2-Therapeutic Modalities & Rehabilitation, 3-Advanced Medical Terminology, 4-Injury Examination Process Transmission

Activities: Warm ups, word searches, Pre&Post Tests, Lectures, Worksheets, Unit Reflections

1. How are you doing and what is going on in your life?  Feel free to share whatever is on your mind.
2. Reference the list of units above.  Which unit did you enjoy learning about most? Explain.
3. Reference the list of activities above.  In addition to Skill labs, which type of activities did you enjoy most? Explain.
4. Which of those activities helped you learn the most?
5. "In this class, I chased the knowledge, not the grade"  - Joyce Lee '21
The grade is important, at the same time we get education for knowledge.  Knowledge IS power.  Do you feel like the structure of the class helped you chase knowledge? If not, what can I do on my end to help you? What can you do on your end?
6. Overall, what aspect of this class this fall semester helped you learn and enjoy?

Happy Holidays! See you next year!
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, December 14 4:37 PM


Practical Assessment: Goniometry in Google Classroom

Practical Assessment: Goniometry

Day 1: 12/13
1. Phalangirls
2. Chi's
4. FlexionExtension

Day 2: 12/15
1. Haven
2. 127
3. Doofinshmirtz Evil Inc.
4. Iron Ducks
5. LA
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


WU 12 in Google Classroom

WU 12

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, December 7 12:40 PM


Medical Folder in Google Classroom

Medical Folder

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, November 30 8:36 PM


Written Assessment: Musculoskeletal System in Google Classroom

Written Assessment: Musculoskeletal System

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Wednesday, November 29 4:38 PM


Written Assessment: Suffixes in Google Classroom

Written Assessment: Suffixes

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Monday, November 27 4:36 PM


WU 11 in Google Classroom

WU 11

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Monday, November 27 12:35 PM


Training with PE department in Google Classroom

Training with PE department

During our class session, we will go to the main gym and stretch out PE students.
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Monday, November 13 4:36 PM


Medical Folder in Google Classroom

Medical Folder

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Written Assessment: Prefixes and Combining Forms in Google Classroom

Written Assessment: Prefixes and Combining Forms

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


WU 10 in Google Classroom

WU 10

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Written Assessment: Numbers & Colors in Google Classroom

Written Assessment: Numbers & Colors

Bring your chromebook.  Use the Study Guide to prepare
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Friday, November 3 4:37 PM


PNF #2 in Google Classroom

PNF #2

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, November 7 12:37 PM


Sign up for a competition in Google Classroom

Sign up for a competition

Use the attached Sign up sheet to select your competition.  Upon doing so, submit your assignment writing down the competition you signed up for in the comments
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Enroll on SkillsUSA google classroom in Google Classroom

Enroll on SkillsUSA google classroom

Enroll into the G-classroom to get all of the updates using the link below.
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Friday, November 3 12:39 PM


PNF #1 in Google Classroom

PNF #1

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Wednesday, November 1 12:41 PM


Worksheet: BMT (Directional & Movement Terminology) Review in Google Classroom

Worksheet: BMT (Directional & Movement Terminology) Review

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Worksheet: Fundamentals in Google Classroom

Worksheet: Fundamentals

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Wednesday, October 25 12:39 PM


Focusing on Facilitated Stretching in Google Classroom

Focusing on Facilitated Stretching

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Understanding the Basics of Stretching in Google Classroom

Understanding the Basics of Stretching

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, October 17 12:36 PM


Practical Assessment: Skeletal Muscles in Google Classroom

Practical Assessment: Skeletal Muscles

More than likely, you will end up having SCM or Pec Major or both!!
You will have at least 1 rotator cuff, know all deltoid (ant., middle, post.)
Anconeus & Pronator Quadratus will NOT be on the practical
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


WU 9 in Google Classroom

WU 9

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, October 5 12:36 PM


Worksheet: The End of the RICE era? in Google Classroom

Worksheet: The End of the RICE era?

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, October 5 12:36 PM


Worksheet: Therapeutic Modalities in Google Classroom

Worksheet: Therapeutic Modalities

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, October 3 12:32 PM


WU 8 in Google Classroom

WU 8

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, October 3 11:00 AM


Worksheet: Stages of Rehabilitation in Google Classroom

Worksheet: Stages of Rehabilitation

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, September 28 12:33 PM


WU 7 in Google Classroom

WU 7

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, September 28 12:33 PM


Worksheet: The Healing Process in Google Classroom

Worksheet: The Healing Process

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, September 26 12:33 PM


WU 6 in Google Classroom

WU 6

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Tuesday, September 26 12:33 PM


Unit Reflection: Taping & Wrapping in Google Classroom

Unit Reflection: Taping & Wrapping

Submit a short VIDEO of yourself answering these questions pertaining to Unit: Taping & Wrapping.

1. How you doing and what is going on in your life?  What is good in your life? Feel free to share whatever is on your mind.
2. What knowledge and skills did you pick up from this unit?
3. What was your greatest challenge this unit? Explain.
4. Given that the practical on scenarios was for team points and not the grade, did this cause you to prepare less, same or more? Please explain.
5. Did you find that learning the ankle tape job first, was a good strategy to learn how to tape? Or would you prefer a progression starting with easier taping techniques and progress difficulty (I.e - wrist, knee, achilles, ankle).  Please explain.

6. Team Captains:  What was the biggest challenge as the leader? What went well?
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Heat Illness Prevention in Google Classroom

Heat Illness Prevention

Use the link below to order the course into your NFHS account and complete it.  You will have to sign in first.
Order the course and go through its checkout process, item total should be $0.
Upon completing checkout, go to your account Dashboard or "My courses" and you should see "Sports Nutrition", begin the course.
Once you complete the course, go to "my certificates" and download your certificate and UPLOAD it here.   Note: you must download certificate and submit the PDF file, I won't be able to get it printed otherwise.
Submit your certificate here to complete this assignment
Reset your password if you cannot remember it.  If this is your first time on NFHS, you'll need to register:
1. using same link below, click on sign in and then, register and create an account, use your personal email.  I recommend personal email. 
2. Make sure to put California as the state and order the course into your cart.  Item total should be $0, complete the checkout
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


Medical Folder in Google Classroom

Medical Folder

Please follow the instructions in the grade sheet
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Wednesday, September 20 12:32 PM


Practical Assessments: Ankle Basket-weave in Google Classroom

Practical Assessments: Ankle Basket-weave

Attached is the RUBRIC.  You will need to perform the tape job in under 2 minutes, 30 seconds.  Although time is a factor of your score, it does not have a heavy impact on it.  More importantly, make sure you have all components, it is functional, strips overlap by 1/2, and the less wrinkles, the better.

Day 1: 9/20
1. Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
2. 127
4. LA

Day 2: 9/22
5. Iron Ducks
6. Phalangirls
7. FlexionExtension
8. The Chi's
Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


WU 5 in Google Classroom

WU 5

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


WU 4 in Google Classroom

WU 4

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Friday, September 1 12:28 PM


WU 3 in Google Classroom

WU 3

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Monday, August 28 12:27 PM


WU 2 in Google Classroom

WU 2

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM


WU 1 in Google Classroom

WU 1

Created by Andre Zumaeta: Thursday, March 14 7:41 AM